There is some fun, free concerts coming to Lancaster throughout the Summer! Bring your cooler and your lawn chair, and it's time to have some fun. There is a really cool, unique outdoor small venue in Lancaster that will have some shows and they are absolutely free.
There is a band shell that is outside of the Youth Bureau in Lancaster off of Aurora Street. It is a really cool, unique spot to have concerts, and this year, they are having some of the best of the best local bands in Buffalo come throughout the summer. The series will be once a month and begin at 6:30 PM and go to about 8:30 PM each show.
Expect everyone's favorite Hit N Run, West of the Mark, and the Dave Matthews Tribute Band, Busted Stuff to draw some large audiences at these free concerts in Lancaster.
Lancaster has gotten quite the makeover the past couple of weeks. There is a shake-up in some of the popular stores in the village that will be changing, including the Lancaster Coffee Co and the toy store both moving. In the village of Lancaster, millions of dollars have been invested. There is a brand new building, a 27,000-square-foot building at 11 West Main that has 6 shops on the first floor. On the second and third floors, there will be a total of 18 apartments available for lease soon.