• Drop the Hammer | | Santa Fe Reporter

    by admin on 2022-05-28 19:38:52

    B.PUBLIC Prefab co-founder and CEO Edie Dillman pictured in front of plans depicting homes whose stated benefits include healthy air, low energy and efficient systems. (Julia Goldberg)

    Between 2014 and 2020, the running five-year average annual number of structures destroyed by wildfire

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    by admin on 2022-05-28 19:38:45

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    Long before Ikea, Nissen huts were the original flat-pack.

    Skinned in corrugated iron, and assembled in as little as two hours as temporary housing or army barracks, they en

  • Light House Project: PM Modi opens ‘game-changer’ housing project- The New Indian Express

    by admin on 2022-05-28 19:38:41

    Under Light House Project, 1,152 tenements have been built at Perumbakkam using prefab technology at a cost of Rs 116 crore in 17 months   

    Published: 27th May 2022 05:47 AM   |   Last Updated: 27th May 2022 05:47 AM  &n

  • Abusive ADA Lawsuits Can Catch Property Owners Off-Guard - Propmodo

    by admin on 2022-05-28 19:38:37

    Deep-dive insights and analysis of technology’s role in reshaping the commercial real estate industry

    The Push to Understand Building Energy Use

    The 8 Principles of Intelligent Space

    Exploring the Most Transformative Trends in Commercial Real Estate

    Following peop

  • Kentucky family spared from tornadoes thanks to storm shelter | whas11.com

    by admin on 2022-05-28 19:38:15

    Example video title will go here for this video

    BREMEN, Ky. — Storm shelters are somewhat of a rarity in homes nowadays, but one family in Breman, Kentucky, said they wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for their shelter.

    Jordan Evans and his son Gage were together when deva

  • Here's the Dirt on a Prefabricated Plastic Earth Sheltered Home Design You Can Buy Off the Shelf

    by admin on 2022-05-28 19:38:10

    No, this isn't Hobbiton or a scene from Teletubbies. It's a rendering of a community of earth-sheltered houses built from a new prefab building system. I once wrote that from Hobbiton to Tatooine, earth sheltered houses make sense all over the universe; now you can just order one up.

  • Vox Media

    by admin on 2022-05-28 19:37:52

    Oh and it’s also a smart home

    Haus.me is a turducken of housing buzzwords: The 3D-printed prefab house integrates smart home technology and can also go off-grid. Since Haus.me’s founding in 2016, the company has been making and testing homes that generate their own energy. Now, the c

  • A startup is building prefab solar-powered backyard tiny homes that can supply excess energy to the main home — take a closer look at the units

    by admin on 2022-05-28 19:37:47

    San Francisco startup Cosmic is making ADUs that generate enough energy to power itself and the main home.

    Cosmic has two models: a studio starting at $190,000 and a one-bedroom starting at $370,000.

    It uses a standardized modular prefabrication building system that saves time, was

  • Please Wait... | Cloudflare

    by admin on 2022-05-28 19:37:41

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  • The Corporation Housing Architect (in memory, Herbert George Simms 1898-1948) – The Irish Times

    by admin on 2022-05-28 19:37:35

    Flats at Chancery Place Dublin. Photograph: G&T Crampton Archive

    In these lockdown nights of a silent pandemic, at Halloween when the dead supposedly walk in remnants of shrouds and of winding sheets, I find myself alone, opposite your former house.

    Tonight not even living childr