Whitehorse Daily Star: ‘Real change is coming,’ minister says in wake of critical audit

2022-05-28 19:43:05 By : Mr. James Wen

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CONCLUSIONS TAKEN SERIOUSLY – ‘We are taking the time to do this right,’ Tracy-Anne McPhee, the minister of Health and Social Services, said Wednesday of the Auditor General of Canada’s findings. She is seen speaking at that day’s news conference.

The Yukon government is promising to do better in the face of a withering report from the Auditor General of Canada on its housing policies.

By Tim Giilck on May 26, 2022

The Yukon government is promising to do better in the face of a withering report from the Auditor General of Canada on its housing policies.

The report was released Wednesday afternoon. It outlines a very unflattering perspective on what the government has accomplished over the last several years.

In a news release, the Auditor General stated, “Today, the Office of the Auditor General of Canada provided the Legislative Assembly of Yukon with the results of an audit that examined whether the Yukon Housing Corporation (YHC) provided Yukoners who have the greatest needs, including those who are homeless, with adequate, affordable, and suitable housing.

“The audit also looked at whether the Department of Health and Social Services supported Yukoners who were homeless or at risk of becoming homeless by facilitating their access to housing.”

The report concludes that the corporation and the department “made little progress to fix long-standing issues affecting housing programs and services, and did not work together or with their partners to effectively manage housing for those who needed it most,” the release added.

“Transforming programs and services to deliver housing to vulnerable Yukoners requires the corporation and the department to work together, and with their partners. This did not happen, and those with the greatest housing needs suffered as a result,” said Deputy Auditor General Andrew Hayes.

The audit found that between 2015 and 2021, the waiting list for eligible social housing applicants grew by 320 per cent.

In 2014, the average wait time to access housing was a little over a year. By 2021, that number had risen to almost 17 months.

In addition, it took almost twice as long to provide homes for individuals from priority groups—such as victims of violence—than from non-priority groups.

Furthermore, the corporation had not updated its list of priority groups since 2007 to reflect Yukon society.

“Many issues were previously identified in our 2010 audit on housing and in our 2011 audit on health services and programs.

“Despite several initiatives and action plans in the last decade, the corporation and the Department of Health and Social Services have not followed through on many of their commitments.”

For example, the audit found, “Yukon Housing Corporation housing stock increased by 20 per cent between 2014 and 2021, but not enough to meet needs.

“The Department of Health and Social Services worked to increase emergency shelter capacity and transitional and supportive housing units.

“However, the effectiveness of these efforts suffered because the department did not assess what was needed, and did not collect data to monitor progress and inform decision making.

“It is imperative that the Yukon Housing Corporation and the Department of Health and Social Services work together to overcome the gaps and barriers we noted in this audit to help vulnerable Yukoners find the adequate and affordable housing they need,” said Hayes.

The YHC should conduct a review of rent assessment for those on social assistance, housing eligibility requirements, and its prioritization system to ensure there is access for those in most need of housing and benefits.

The YHC should update its needs analysis across its housing portfolio to identify gaps compared to existing supply and funding levels and take specific actions.

This should include realigning the housing stock to meet identified needs, calculating a five-year deficit for capital and maintenance, and aligning its capital asset and maintenance plans to address gaps and carry out these actions over a planned time frame.

The YHC should ensure that it has appropriate systems and practices in place to identify, document, and complete major and emergency repairs in a timely manner and increase accessibility and energy efficiency of their housing stock.

The Department of Health and Social Services (HSS) should, in consultation with housing partners, undertake regular and comprehensive needs analysis, including a review of the use of hotels as temporary accommodation, and take appropriate action to meet client needs.

HSS should ensure that agreements with third-party providers are comprehensive and are monitored for key deliverables.

The YHC and HSS should ensure there is governance and oversight in place by effectively working together and with other housing partners to demonstrate meaningful progress, resolve problems, and achieve results.

The YHC and HSS should work together and with housing partners to identify gaps and improve information systems to provide relevant, accurate, and timely information to support decision-making and to report on the planning, delivery, and results related to housing in the Yukon.

The YHC should establish appropriate performance indicators—including short-term and long-term targets and outcome measures at the program level—and develop and implement a program evaluation framework to assess achievement of desired results.

HSS should establish appropriate performance indicators—including short-term and long-term targets and outcome measures at the funding agreement and program level—and conduct regular program and housing provider evaluations to assess and report on achievement of desired results.

At a news conference Wednesday afternoon, Ranj Pillai, the minister responsible for the YHC, said, “I accept all of the recommendations to improve housing for vulnerable Yukoners in the Auditor General of Canada’s Independent Auditor’s Report.

“The findings by the Office of the Auditor General do create discomfort for me – and they should. However, these findings require that we take a step back and look at our shortcomings – to seek ways we can transform from our current practices to something more relevant to the needs of vulnerable Yukoners,” Pillai said.

The AG’s office found that the YHC and HSS “did not provide adequate and affordable housing to Yukoners who had the greatest needs for supportive housing,” Pillai noted.

“Simply put – the nine recommendations tell us to improve. I take the recommendations and findings very seriously – we are going to do better.”

Pillai added, “Delivering housing to those most vulnerable requires effective collaboration between many partners.

“We know our municipal, federal, First Nations, not-for-profit and private partners, are collectively dedicating significant resources to support vulnerable Yukoners.”

In further remarks about the damning report, the minister said, “In recent years, we have begun to provide a broader range and variety of programs to properly support Yukoners.

“Different models of housing, such as Housing First, have provided low-barrier access to affordable housing with supportive services to promote successful tenancies.

“Though the traditional landlord and tenant model works well for some, it is often not sufficient for those with more complex needs,” Pillai said.

“Work has been underway since 2019 to deliver new ways to house and support Yukoners with affordability constraints.”

He said the YHC will fully launch its new Community Housing Framework this summer.

“We will continue to work with our community and government partners to identify, understand and appropriately support Yukoners most in need. We will need to immediately resume work on the Corporation’s Integrated Housing Strategy,” Pillaid said.

“I am looking forward to the implementation of the multi-year memorandum of understanding that we have signed (between the YHC and HSS).

“Given the overlaps between housing and social/ economic issues, working together as a team is the only way we will realize a successful and enduring outcome.”

Tracy-Anne McPhee, the minister of Health and Social Services, also participated in the news conference.

She said the government would be taking an “evidence-based approach” to the recommendations of the auditor general's report, and come up with a needs-analysis model that can more accurately forecast the demands for housing.

That is to be carried out within a year, she said.

“We are taking the time to do this right,” McPhee added. “It’s really about accountability. Real change is coming. Transformative change has begun.”

Pillai added, “We know we have a lot of work to do. There’s a lot of pressure. We’ve been very open and honest about this. We know there has to be more done.”

Another in a long line of Liberal administrative failures- this one documented by the official overseer. How long will this ameteur gong-show be allowed to continue? Between the territorial and federal government Liberal/NDP coalitions the standard and quality of life for Canadians is in a tailspin to hard times. They know it too as they are making plans to deal with more public reaction to their poor governance. Dusting off the Emergencies Act was not about the trucker convoy, it is for what's coming. The politicians are aware of the hardships they are causing yet they do nothing to make the lives of Canadians better. We deserve better, we sure as hell pay for better than what we are receiving. Liberals- NEVER AGAIN!

I’ve known the Liberals and NDP are incompetent for years and I’ve been fighting them for years but our post secondary education facilities have been brain washing the attendees, now there are millions of people out there that think the sun rises and sets on socialism, the election can’t come soon enough, time to toss Silver and White out on the street.

Didn’t all the MLAs vote for real change but she and Silver vetoed that too? Real change can happen when the Liberals go. Actually, real change requires it!

Both city and territorial elections should be for two year terms only. It will cost a lot less than letting politicians like Pillai and McPhee in power for two additional years.

Real change is coming alright, REAL CHANGE IN SEPTEMBER!

320% increase in demand for social hosing (yup, I called it that) under the Liberal Party of Canada, which is not the illegal and unelected NDP/Liberal Party coalition we must now break to save our city, Territory and country. You are the exemplification of idiocy if you do not see the coinciding agenda with the WEF, who financed your riverfront development project for 9 million dollars. European colonialism and corporate risk externalized onto the West to avoid confrontation with anti-racism; And for all this, the Liberals leave the homeless homeless and swell their ranks as they claim to CHAMPION THEM. No punishment is to great for the Liberal/NDP party of Canada.

We're living a reality where everybody is lying to each other with no challenges and the receptors of those lies are saying: "we know you lying and you know we know you lying, so let's keep it that way and make no-waves"

Thank goodness there is oversight on what this government is/isn't doing. This is a scathing report. It clearly shows the ineptitude of the current regime. Over seven years they have squandered money away with zero results. In fact, this is an embarrassment for the whole territory. The only "real change" we can hope for is a change in government, that also would not include the NDP as they have supported this government since last elected. It also falls on them as well. Millions of dollars flushed away with nothing to show for it except more staff to do less work. Time to really clean house: starting by removing DM's who are not doing their jobs. The same goes for Ministers who are simply taking up space. To make it easier call an election and we will do the work for you. Disgusting !

Wow 320% increase in people who qualify for social housing in 6 years. No one going to ask the question as to why we have an over 53% increase in people here who need socially assisted housing every year? Only growing new units at 2.85% per year, because it is by design. All the land we have and they won't even service the lots as they build them. My street has now been torn up and repaired twice in two years just to service the lots around me. All fun and games when your assets are rising 20% per year, I suppose it's a little different when you see the price of everything rising and your "asset" quickly looks like a liability. Our governing bodies should be ashamed of the destitution they have created here. Stop being so honored to be where you are and start feeling the dishonor you should feel at the mess that has been created. The price of my house has risen $215,000 in 2 years, all inflation. this is not a healthy economy this is an absolute mess.

@ DEPLORABLE HOUSING CONDITIONS When was the last apartment building been built? Yeah, that has been my question for 30 years as well. If you are a mayor, your job is to attract new residents to invest and contribute to the community you run, notwithstanding of course, running a city properly for its taxpaying residents. The YTG and its subordinate bodies acts like everyone wants to move to the Yukon and buy the same piece of crap 700k glass front condo they tried to escape elsewhere, while failing to understand that for the average Canadian, the prospect of moving into that community in one's own household takes years of saving and planning, which requires rental options to accommodate the prospective homeowner(s) until such time as they are ready and able to purchase a home in that community. No bases covered. Fire them due to this conclusions of this audit or F**K the audit, it's useless. If I was 30 years overdue on your home, you'd fire me at least and beat my ass at most. A very stupid child could figure that out, so I have to wonder, is the YTG the Yukon's very stupid child? They certainly are the most expensive and misbehaved one to my estimation.

Audit McPhee and the entire Social Services Department, too much favouritism, corruption and ineptitude and it has been consistent for decades. It is one of the YTG departments that is bloated with family hires and underqualified staff, which basically threatens to land too many residents in their lineups.

There are situations in which I believe without seeing. This is not one of them...

As some has worked in side housing, land development, municipal services, northern housing trust fund, on and on. Yukon housing is not to blame for a lot of this. Here is real facts as they stand. When Larry Bagnell went back in power under a liberal government in Ottawa he cut housing funding for Yukon by federal from an average of $18 million a year to $2.5 million per. The Yukon liberal did nothing to support housing, land development, make the private sector have land to build on, no labor market development. Did not keep up with demand for serviced land for housing, the last mayor in our city supported no land development, but wanted to put million into climate change which does not exist in Yukon at all but no well believe it because of liberal putting out false reports. City of Whitehorse has set up a housing and land committee. Let's see who on it that has experience in any of this field. Have you read the City planned OCP and sustainable economic development? They are not plans but political document that does nothing important for our community socially. domestically or economical. First step in an OCP and sustainable economic development plan is serviced land and housing because workers need housing to live but none of that been done over last 6 just by this report. I have had my encounter with Tracy McPhee when she was at Justice and it was not good folks. Ranj took $15 million of Yukon tax payers money for housing and gave it to his old employer to do what for homeless. That was $281,000 per square foot for homeless people. Where I have problem with this report is what experience does any one this process have with housing, none. Spending $15 million to house 270 homeless is ridiculous when if you had prefab housing plant in Yukon we could do this work for $7 million and have a new building. High Country Inn is a waste of tax payers money. Yukon has gone backwards in last 6 yrs than it has in last 35 years. It sad to say it was lead by 3 from Nova Scotia my home province. Now Yukon is losing health care by the bus load.

Yup, Real Change is coming… After the next Election!!!

Regular working folk cannot afford rents and do not qualify for mortgages to enable them to buy +$600K homes. The Liberal/NDP alliance responds by putting in rent caps; thus, driving many small landlords out of the market. Also forcing landlords to terminate agreements so they can rent at a higher rate. How's that working out, Kate? Meanwhile, Silver/White are pouring untold millions into certain developers' pockets -- including tens of millions into select NGOs. If we add the money being poured into FN coffers, the amounts may be in the hundreds of millions. The AG is completely out of touch. So, is the Silver/White government.

McPhee and Pillai’s statement sound like the manager of one of the hotels/dumps in this city which has been reaponding to reviews with the same responses for at least the last three years: “oh we’re so so sorry, we’re working fixing things, hope you come back”. The place is still a dump three years later, the only thing they do is say they’re fixing the places up but really they just believe that we’ll believe them, because in our society when people say such things they usually mean it, but in the s**t holes these people come from lying is ok so long as you offer some fruits to some that looks like what we might come up with if we were on some bad acid trip.

Don't have to think back far to recall how entitled these guys are.....remember Michael Wernick? His arrogance was beyond describing. Over the years he was in power he modeled the cognitive dissonance that became the Liberal brand. The Liberal politicians blatant arrogance becomes natural to them in a few years. Integrity? Honesty? Service to the public? All gone. Give Judy Wilson-Raybould's book a read. It will scare you. She describes so much of the Liberal machine, like how any two Federal Cabinet Ministers are now never allowed to meet or be together without a salaried Liberal overseer present. It all seems too strange to be true, but here we have the local version, again.

Seriously. Nothing's gonna change. Period. Who can afford to buy their own home up here? Homes start at $500,000 and it keeps going up up up. Yet wages remain the same. Also, do u know how many ppl I know on Yukon housing who's spouses secretly live with them without reporting their income? If they do, the rent increases yet again. Pfffft. What a joke!!

How about you help childhood inn, they’re all about housing first and govy just ignoring them

Does YHC bureaucracy take any heat for these debacles? I know one Director or some such like was skidded in the recent past about the same time as phoning in monthly to stay on your particular list. This corp is another misnomer using Yukon in it's title because it is hardly doing anything for long time Yukoners that were on the list some for 6 years and gave up. It's really low-income/welfare housing which they have no shortage of clients.

I don't know how anyone could know about the massive borrowing amounts, the massive transfers, the massive spending and waste and not know that this government is morally corrupt. People better start thinking outside the box.. There is an enemy within... The box is the government.

So the AG has stated for the record that little headway has been made on housing in the territory. Huh who woulda thunk that eh? And yet more and more condo’s get built and the disparity between the haves and the have nots continues to mount. 1. So where are the affordable units? 2. Why has substandard housing been allowed to prosper on the backs of folks on social assistance? 3. When was the last apartment building been built?

It has taken you 30 plus years to do it right? Should I hope for reincarnation so as to witness the day you do? Step off.

"Real change is coming" Blah, blah, blah, business as usual.

Maybe you need to look at the abusive management practices in the department. You should also look at the hiring practices. GY does not hire competent Social Workers it hires members of the clique who will support other members of the click. As an insider with many, many years of experience in the game I have been well positioned to see violations of ethics, policy and procedure. In fact this is often non-existent unless they are targeting someone to protect the image of the department. I have read racial slurs, I have seen the systemic discrimination of improper, or no assessment work, I have seen ongoing privacy violations and even illegal behaviours committed by supposed Social Workers who are often not members of a licensing body able to hold them ethically accountable. This is another failure of past and current governments. These people are not your friends! FFS! We have had every kind of emergency you can think of, including homelessness and this Liberal government has done nothing but create more housing problems! These people are grossly incompetent and they should be held to the standard expected by every other Social Worker across the country. This by the way is also racism because of its disproportionate affect on aboriginal persons. So, WTF! They have the temerity to distract you with preferential hiring practices, racist procurement policies, all while doing nothing to raise the general living standards of all FNs and people more generally. How long has no legitimacy McPhee been at this job now? Oh, right.. Another example of bad HR practices modeled by Sandy Silver… Appointing and protecting incompetence at the highest levels! How do you, as an electorate sleep at night? It’s a serious question! While they come after your house (economic policies) they are failing to build adequate low income housing (pods) for you and all the other poor people to move into once you have been bankrupted - Remember, the Liberals have been very clear, YOU will own nothing…

Anyone believing the government is, as McPhee stated, "taking the time to do this right" or "real change is coming" is delusional. You've had years to deal with the issues and no one in this government has proven themselves accountable for anything, least of them Minister McPhee.

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